Wellington From The Air
Originally uploaded by Mac Girl.


Just for the record, when you look at a 30 hour non-stop travel itinerary and think “Oh that’s no big deal! We’ll just sleep on the plane…” Yeah. Not gonna happen, ok? Not unless you fork out for one of those über-expensive Premier First-Class pod seats. Even then, I have my doubts!

So yes, after about 30 hours of travel (and MAYBE 2 hours of sleep each… maybe) we’ve finally made it to Wellington, New Zealand. Jim was there to meet us and demonstrated all the patience of a saint when he had to wait almost an hour between our landing and our appearance. You see, our one checked bag didn’t make it. Yeah. Among the missing are my lovely new tripod, my camera bag (though none of my gear, thank God!), our electrical outlet adapters… oh, and all of our toiletries. ALL of our toiletries.

It’s all very sad.

But we’re here, we’ve slept bunches, we’ve had our first bowl of Hokey Pokey ice cream which I can already tell I’m going to miss when I’m gone, and even seen a bit of the town already.

I can’t wait to see what kind of trouble we get into today!!!